
Check here for daily homework assignments and class announcements.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Calculus-Reading for 0-4 (pg. 23-26 up to ex. 6)
Algebra II-Do pg. 24: OE #22-29, WE #31-34, 43-48
Pre-Algebra-No Homework
Algebra I-Do pg. 16: WE #11-26 all, 27-41(o)
Geometry-Do pg. 76: #23-36, 38-40, 45
Computer Applications-Complete the Jetsons Forum

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Calculus-No Homework
Algebra II-Do pg. 18: #17-18, 20-22
Pre-Algebra-Do pg. 6: CE #1-12 (Just simplify #1-6)
Algebra I-Do pg. 12: WE #21-26, 27-37(o) - Last two have more than one solution
Geometry-No Homework
Computer Applications-No Homework

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Calculus-No Homework
Algebra II-No Homework
Pre-Algebra-Finish pg. 4: 3rd and 4th columns
Algebra I-Reading for Next Time:  pg. 10-11 (Define Equation, Domain of a variable, Solution/Root of an equation)
Geometry-Algebra Review worksheet and pg. 69: #31, 34, 36
Computer Applications-

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Calculus-Reading for 0-2
Algebra II-Do pg. 11: WE #17-27(o), 41-44
Pre-Algebra-Pg. 4: WE 1st two columns (#1-2, 5-6,...,33-34)
Algebra I-Do pg. 4: #25-40
Geometry-No Homework
Computer Applications-No Homework

Friday, August 24, 2012

Homework for the First Day of School

Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II Students

11th and 12th Grade Students